
Discussion relating to anything Gillingham FC


Postby lidbid46 » Fri Dec 08, 2023 1:38 pm

Games off tomorrow. Thought I’d post to let everyone know in case Gillsfan was planning a trip to Barrow!
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Re: Barrow

Postby CadburyMan » Sun Dec 10, 2023 2:13 pm

Nobody ever plans trip to Barrow not even in a nightmare
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Re: Barrow

Postby lidbid46 » Mon Dec 11, 2023 3:17 pm

I thought it would be attractive for Gillsfan; sounds like the sort of place he’d have fun in.
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Re: Barrow

Postby gillsfan1066 » Tue Dec 12, 2023 2:29 am

You read my mind Mr. L ( yes I know it's easy) , I had the flight booked ,no airport at Barrow (can't understand why) , so I had my a blue and white parachute packed, a seat by the door on the Boeing 777 , fifty bucks in my pocket to give to the pilot and 25 bucks to the co-pilot to kind of encourage them to go a bit north of Heathrow, just for a few minutes and I was going to free fall from about 30,000 feet into the SO | LEGAL Stadium.
I had heard you and Mrs L and the boy, the one that JUST HAD TO GO to University in Hull, even though we have wonderful university's in Kent, were going to be at the game and I will be honest I was going to try and impress her, with with my parachuting skills. After a lot of thought I had come to the conclusion that the chance of the two gentlemen in the front seats ever finding Barrow were somewhere between Nil and Zero, and I guessed after there third trip around the village of Sizergh looking for the road to Barrow, Mrs L would have screamed ,STOP THE CAR ,got out, and thumbed a lift to the game, leaving you two heading along the A65 in the direction of Bradford and Leeds, with you saying," I don't know what's up with your Mother tonight , seems to be in a bit of a bad mood " . Then you son will say " you know Dad, maybe you should have given Mom a tarpaulin to get under ,I bet she got pretty chilly sitting in the back of the pickup, I knew we should have bought the car ,but no you wanted to save money on gas now Mom is in a bad mood,she will be hell going home, I just hope the Gills win".
If you would be so kind, pass on to Mrs L for me please ,that I don't want to worry the dear lady ,I am skilled at this sort of thing ,I even jumped off the top board at the old Stand swimming pool back in the 60's . In fact you can see my previous exploits when I trained and jumped with what YOU TUBE or X have listed under...." Ugandan Sky Divers at Football Stadium" ,but in fact it was the " Honduran Special Forces at a Football Stadium " when I was the head honcho at the training facility .
I am the jumper with the Gillingham Blue and White chute, and I deliberately hit the little pink building, after that jump I needed to get the door open urgently. GO GILLS.
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Re: Barrow

Postby lidbid46 » Wed Dec 13, 2023 7:41 pm

See, I knew you were looking forward to it! But you would have been disappointed; Mrs L had passed at the chance of a Barrow trip as she had been there before and was constantly pestered several men in her hotel who took a fancy to he wrinkled tights and hair curlers. She couldn’t shake them off and had to resort to the sharp end of her brolly, thrusting it boldly into several northern orifices. When she came home she vowed never to go north of Watford again.
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