Chairman's Report

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Chairman's Report

Postby Garawa » Sat Apr 23, 2022 1:51 pm

So the chairman has finally got round to publishing the promised report a couple of months late. It's quite a bulky read; half of it slating Evans, some of it repeating what was written a few paragraphs before and some more dredging up the same age-old comments complaining about lower-level funding and the collapse of ITV Digital. All-in-all, the document could have been several pages shorter.

Some great plans ahead though which I really hope will come to fruition. The Factory increasing in size to be a restaurant usable outside of matchdays would be very welcome (and hopefully the amazing looking self-serve taps will be operational then)! Plans are underway for a 3-day music festival in May 2023 and the Blow Monkeys and Creedence Clearwater Revival will be playing in the Great Hall this year. Good off-field events made a huge difference to our revenue before Covid and the new manager responsible for even bigger ones, being an experienced music and events promoter, could really put the club on the map (well, in the black at least). ... ersion.pdf
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Re: Chairman's Report

Postby gillsfan1066 » Sat Apr 23, 2022 11:30 pm

Well did you expect it too be on time, old Piggy eyes could not even get the tax forms in the post on time, probably too stupid to buy a stamp. Anyway that's great news ,extra money coming into the coffers FAN TAST IC, new players ,new .....what,... oh OK I am sorry, 20 % pay increase for Scally,he took one during the year when everyone was was going under and losing their jobs,not being able to pay their rent or car payments and DYING, and of course we must add a 10% increase for the misses and the kids , did you see the work that went into those programs over the years, made the Gutenberg Bible look like a flyer for Currys.
I guess we won't need new players in the Fourth Division,were good enough with what we have to finish 10th, safe from having to play Gravesend or Bromley any time soon .
So just about everything was Evans fault, well here is a thought. As the owner of the club, does that mean you Mr,Scally and the rest of the Board are too f****ing stupid to see that things are not going according to plan , THINGS WERE GOING WRONG, we were struggling under a manager who had obviously lost the club and outstayed his welcome. Was he REALLY that much smarter than your dumb ass Mr Scally and the other clowns that sit in that GFC Boardroom on there fat lazy asses, that he kept his job ? Ye Gods ,what a dumb bunch of morons we have running out beloved Gillingham Football Club if they listened to Evans promises week in and week out without seeing any improvements. Or was it that you felt sorry for him and STUPID because you had screwed up and we could not bring any new players in,so instead of kicking his ass down the road you kept him in the hope we might survive in this division,or Piggy Eyes,was it that you just don't give a s**t, ...thats my bet ?
WOW Creedence Clearwater Revival ,OK they broke up in 1972 when John Fogerty left,(him dead now, as of 1990, ) but they came back with two original members, guitarist Stu Cook and drummer Doug Clifford, they have quit touring and their last gig was on Feb 29th 2020. Creedence Clearwater Revival have NO plans to play any gigs again and have no bookings for 2022, as of April 5th 2022. Look at the tickets you buy before shelling out the cash,it it says Creedence Clearish Water Revival ,think again about giving old Scallywag your hard earned cash.
The Blow Monkeys, my God they have been around since 1982,way to attract a young generation to the club,I am sure anyone under 35 has never heard of them lol,lol.
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Re: Chairman's Report

Postby bunburygills » Wed Apr 27, 2022 9:41 am

Now listen Gillsfan, I'm going to have to correct you on a few things here. Nothing to do with the Gills or the Chairman, I don't know enough facts about it. However, when you say one of the greats of the rock world died in 1990, you are out of order. When we were in Abbotsford, just outside of Vancouver, about nine years ago, we saw a fantastic concert at the local ice hockey stadium with a very much alive John Fogerty. He was brilliant, as good a concert you could get, and he was non stop action the whole time. He must have run a few K's on stage that night. For your interest, he's just four weeks older than me, a mere spring chicken, and he is still touring large venues as we speak. A terrific live artist who I would be willing to see again anytime. If you look him up you will see his massive amount of accolades and awards. I know you're more into Doris Day and Vera Lynn, they're dead, but John's good too.
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Re: Chairman's Report

Postby gillsfan1066 » Fri Apr 29, 2022 9:15 am

I was wrong,I apologise,I was given the wrong info by our resident music expert here in the office, she is now spending time cleaning my shoes and doing my laundry for the next six months as a punishment. John Fogerty is here in Chicago this summer so I am guessing he is not dead,but he is not playing concerts as CCR or even J F of CCR,I guess he has become bigger than CCR.
Nothing wrong with our Vera, I know all her great hits, Wheel meat again , don't know where ,don't know when,but I sure we will eat meat again some sunny day (if ever we can afford it) . My only comment is that he is not playing many large venues any more, lots of casinos, The Hollywood Bowl which is the greatest venue ever to hear an outdoor concert He is playing a concert in Germany at somewhere called the Sankt Goarshausen in June.
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