A new King?!

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Re: A new King?!

Postby gillsfan1066 » Sat Dec 08, 2012 7:31 pm

I guess we can blame the producers and hosts of Candid Camera, they started the "pranks" back in the 60's and the whole of Britain laughed for years and years at people being made to look foolish. Now suddenly pranks are not funny any more, we have half a dozen TV stations showing programs that want to humiliate people, Prank this ,prank that, I hasten to add I watch exactly none of them.
Of course it is a dreadful shame that this woman has taken her life , I feel nothing but sadness for her and her family, but surely the hospital must take the blame ? Some night porter outside having a smoke when the phone rang, rushed in to answer it and put it through to the skinny ones private ward, and lets be serious the nurse hardly gave out any critical information, the rake was resting as comfortable as is to be expected and has not up chucked for the last few hours, good grief hardly life threatening mind blowing international news is it?
Now everyone wants the DJs fired ? Why? They were entertaining their audience, working outside the box (hate that expression) what does everybody want to go back to the days or Terry Wogan and use him as the role model for 2012 radio shows?
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Re: A new King?!

Postby Snackboyslim » Sun Dec 09, 2012 12:45 am

How long was Terry Wogan on the radio for?? Did he need to prank??

He did something right Gillsfan. As did Chris Moyals and as Chris Evans continues to do so.

They're both know for their pranks mate, but I feel that it's pushing the boundries when trying to get a person to disclose private information such as medical conditions. That's why there are such strict controls over everyones medical history. Play a prank, sure mate, i'm all for that believe me, but not when it could have someones job on the line. Maybe it was the fear of that (losing her job/career), coupled with the fact that her patients are royalty, that pushed her over the edge.
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Re: A new King?!

Postby gillsfan1066 » Sun Dec 09, 2012 4:53 am

With all respect Mr Snackmister there appears to be absolutely no control over a persons medical condition at King Edward V11 does there ? Anyone appears to be able to call in of a night time ,when they I am sure are understaffed, and get any info on any one's condition, well it would seem that way.
If they can get this info from an up chucking Royal imagine what they could have got from commoners like you or me?
Snackerster has had his second enema of the day, the last one performed by Sergio and his nursing assistant Gaylord. A quart of soapy water was disposed in his royal snacksness backside and after a considerable wait the end result was shall we say a little more than expected. Who knew one man could eat so many crisps at one sitting ? Just out of intrest how long was Jimmy Saville on the radio and TV, just asking?
As I have said befor on the Gills site I am sure the Austin 7 was a wonderful car, but who the heck drives them today? I am sure Wogan was a wonderful Dj, haha why did I say that he was a sniveling a** kissing joke of a Dj with the spine of a mouse, talk about a yes man ,this guys picture is in the dictionary under the term ass kiss*r.
I know it is very sad the woman killed herself, and it is the family I feel sorry for, every time they see Kate and what's his name on the TV I am sure they will feel terrible, but come on it was a joke ,fun, a laugh. I am sorry but I actualy found the whole thing very funny, of course up untill the bottle of 150 Aspirin was opened, then I guess it was time to crucify the Aussie Dj's?
Suppose she had not killed herself, somehow I bet half the world would have been laughing today, including you and me?
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Re: A new King?!

Postby Poshgill » Sun Dec 09, 2012 9:30 am

laughing? hardly. Have you listened to the prank? Firstly, all she woman that took her own life did was to take the call and pass it on. Secondly the person that nurse that spoke to the djs did not reveal anything of a personal nature. The whole thing was as funny as piles. Cringe making and peurile. If this was the catalyst that made the poor unfortunate woman take her own life, then she must have been in a very delicate emotional state. I'm guessing it was just a coincidence and our media is yet again trying to drum-up a pointless witch hunt against the djs and get on their moral high horses. (as if our media have got the right to be so sanctemonious!)
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Re: A new King?!

Postby brb » Sun Dec 09, 2012 1:24 pm

I do not read the tabloids and on seeing the original story about the hoax on SKY News, it sort of did not really gain my mental attention. However, you could not fail to miss via tv media the sad turn of events that followed. What relation the hoax bare to the following suicide is impossible to know unless you knew the nurse personally or until subsequent investigations are completed.

I first turn to Gills1066 comments about Candid Camera, I guess with programmes of that nature a certain amount of research is done beforehand, if not least to check that any potential victim is not going to knock the living daylights out of the presenter, when the stunt is eventually revealed.

Today people such as Don Joly still play out Candid Camera style stunts on unwitting victims, again though these are in pre recorded situations and the plug can be pulled at any time dependent on the reaction, there are probably many clips we never see (assumption).

Does a hoax lead to ridicule, does the ridicule then become the tipping point and not the hoax in question. The hoax might only have been the starting block if ridicule followed in any form. Ridicule does not have too or may not be intentional but it how it is deemed in the mind of the recipient.

Although I do go along slightly in agreement with Posh's words, by saying myself that everything is dependent on the victims current emotional and fragile state as well as there upstanding beliefs and sensitivity towards such situations and if the hoax was in any way partly to blame for the death of the nurse, what were if any all the other life events that led up to it?

Which leads me to ask, since when have we taken to giving innocent, private, hard working individuals World Wide air time as part of a prank, without their permission, if that was the turn of events?

Personally In life I tend to follow in the words of the humorous Karl Pilkington by saying 'You're not allowed to laugh anymore. Laughing is dying out. Crying is the new thing'

Sadly in this case, are tears as a consequence of the laughter.
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Re: A new King?!

Postby Snackboyslim » Sun Dec 09, 2012 6:17 pm

There Is feel, maybe another important issue as to why this poor girl felt the need to end her life. Maybe regardless of her mental state before hand.

Her name was Jacintha Saldanha. She may well have been a British national, but there are huge cultural differences between us Brits.

There is in certain cultures,a huge sence of pride (and expentancy almost), in what members of their particular cultures achieve/don't achieve in life.

Maybe her education was financed by her family, she maybe felt she had let them down for fear of losing her job and being in the media spotlight for the wrong reasons.

It's difficult, I guess what i'm trying to say is, if she had been a british born and bread national, the chances are there wouldn't have been any loss of life.

Maybe it was to do with her culture, and potential shame that she felt she could have put on them, as to why she took her life.

It's a different world out there, as we all know.
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Re: A new King?!

Postby brb » Sun Dec 09, 2012 6:59 pm

Snackboyslim - thank you - you have covered a point that I was not sure how to put into words.

Hence why I chose to use the words 'as well as there upstanding beliefs'
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Re: A new King?!

Postby Kezz » Sun Dec 09, 2012 8:43 pm

I think also her apparent lack of family support, she lived away from her husband and children. No doubt time will tell and reasons will become apparent. My heart goes out to her family.
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Re: A new King?!

Postby Elgrande » Sun Dec 09, 2012 11:53 pm

My Mum made the same remark about pride and the perceived shame she may well have felt and i think she was living in nursing accommodation which may have been more convenient for work. I do think that the press have now blown it out of all proportion.
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