
Discussion for anything relating to Football in general


Postby lidbid46 » Wed Dec 21, 2016 2:45 pm

Whenever I come onto the forum I often notice that there are several people registered as guests reading the comments. That's great as it means more people are enjoying the sparkling wit of Gillsfan, the deep and unfathomable workings of Gary's brain, FOMs outstanding match reports and the ramblings of all the other regulars. However, it would be even better if some of those guests could revel themselves; even with weird and untraceable names, and become regular contributors themselves. frankly, I could do with some support against the unremitting bullying I get from our American friend and Gary just needs more friends! so if you are reading all the comments, there must be something you're burning to say, even if its just, 'well that's a load of b*******!! Come on, do it!!
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Re: Guests

Postby Garawa » Wed Dec 21, 2016 10:45 pm

Ha ha. Some of these could be registered users that have either been logged out or haven't yet logged in as well as a few Russian tennis fans attempting registration. If you think I am joking with the latter, when you see posts that are pages and pages of nonsense, it is often from "users" that registered a while ago that then hit us. Each had Russian details and all listed "Racket sports" as their interest (not football then). Needless to say I deleted them all. Many of those guests will have received the answer to the registration question (where you have to enter certain letters of the clubs name). It is something robots cannot solve by Googling an answer so humans have to do it. Once they find it out, they will get the robots to register loads so whenever we get a new user on board I will try to swop the letters to thwart them once more. Some of those guests could be Russian bots trying to log in with the given answers but are getting it wrong as I have changed it!!

You are right however that there will be a few just browsing. In fact even many of our users are just readers and was the case when the board was on the official site as well. Unless they are wishing to access the Competition area (open only to logged in members) they don't have to log in at all to read most of what is on here so could be full on registered users as well.
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Previous board user ID: gwade_871 (3440 posts)
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Re: Guests

Postby gillsfan1066 » Thu Dec 22, 2016 3:36 pm

What he say, what he say, commies under the bed ?? Hell look no further than Kangaroo Jack, he has just spent two or three weeks plotting and planing the downfall of this site with Kim Jong-un, bastard wants to take over the site and turn it into a forum for the supporters of Ryongnamsan Sports Club, who are members of the North Korean Football Association.
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Re: Guests

Postby bunburygills » Sat Dec 24, 2016 9:10 am

I was reading the post two above this thinking what on earth goes through 1066's head. To get anywhere near this he must be smoking something stronger than pot. Then I noticed it was from you Gary. I'm having serious doubts about you Gary, I think 1066 has radicalised you. I hope you've not gone too far down the slippery slope. I don't want to read about you running amuck wearing a burka or streaking down the High Street displaying your shortcomings. I suggest you have a very quiet Christmas, get 1066 out of your head and come back gently in January.
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Re: Guests

Postby Garawa » Sat Dec 24, 2016 11:13 am

Ha ha, the real funny thing is that you don't see what I see and its true! When they spam us full of rubbish and I hit the delete user, that's what comes up! Weird isn't it?! Truth is definitely stranger than fiction!
For all manner of stats and facts during games, add me on twitter: @Gills_Stats

Previous board user ID: gwade_871 (3440 posts)
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Re: Guests

Postby gillsfan1066 » Sat Dec 24, 2016 2:51 pm

I looked at several other Gills sites,most of the them had a couple of registered users on the site and five or six guests, so nothing unusual.
Well Mr. garawa , now you have reach that magical height of being compared to me,all be it by Platypus Pete, I guess you have peaked, no where else to go in your life but down . Never mind I heard that crocheting was a very therapeutic thing to do, maybe consider that ??
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