v Oxford

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v Oxford

Postby gillsfan1066 » Tue Feb 26, 2013 8:48 pm

Hope you guys at the game enjoyed the first half more than I did , thank goodness we have got a guy in the next room painting the skirting boards at least we have got something exciting to watch.
Come on M.A .wake this LEAGUE LEADING TEAM UP, we are supposed to be the best of the best of the best, we need a win tonight.
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Re: v Oxford

Postby Noircat » Tue Feb 26, 2013 11:00 pm

It was poor as....the home fans deserve better.
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Re: v Oxford

Postby bananaman » Tue Feb 26, 2013 11:06 pm

agree it was poor not sure i agree home fans deserve better though.
i went to chesterfield staurday the away fans sang virtually non stopo all game backing the team.
Tonight even before a ball was kicked the atmosphere was poor,fans whining that cody had gone no way birchel would be good enough etc.silent for most of game.Couldnt even be bothered to have a go at ref who was awful.Most excited they got was towards end when it seemed to be acceptable to scream abusue at players and then boo and hurl abuse.
Poor display by the team but even poorer buy the fans and has been most of season.
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Re: v Oxford

Postby Garawa » Tue Feb 26, 2013 11:28 pm

I suppose if we swopped the home and away results round we would all be celebrating. Looking at it like that the season is pretty ok, heck its great as we are top. However I am getting a bit peeved at only seeing drab games when away it is win, win, win. And we have to be concerned that golden opportunities to seal leads at the top are being squandered.

Yes this is football and it happens but we have gone from being a free scoring side conceding a few goals and winning to a side that really doesn't look like scoring, not conceding as many and not winning either. Apart from Dagenham, we have had three or four home games in which we really never looked like troubling the keeper. That, for a side aiming to be pronounced champions, is disasterous.

This away run MUST end soon. When it does we will be in trouble.
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Re: v Oxford

Postby bananaman » Tue Feb 26, 2013 11:58 pm

quit moaning away fans had to endure 18 months without a win :lol:
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Re: v Oxford

Postby Poshgill » Wed Feb 27, 2013 8:32 am

I can't understand why anyone would want to play for us. So Coventry recalled Cody . As parent club they are allowed to. MA acted quickly to get a replacement in and yet all I read on the official fb page was people moaning about Scally letting Cody go (!) and people slagging German off and calling him rubbish before he's kicked a ball. Ffs. We are top. Not been out top 2 since September. Best position we have been in for almost 20 years and STILL people moan. I suppose if MA took us to the Champions league there would still be fans moaning about something or other. Fans? Not really but can't think of a proper word for them.
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Re: v Oxford

Postby Garawa » Wed Feb 27, 2013 1:11 pm

Lol Bananaman. History evening itself out I suppose!
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Re: v Oxford

Postby Rimshot » Wed Feb 27, 2013 1:49 pm

Posh, it's just some people's immature way of dealing with disappointment I suppose. What's slightly concerning is that Oxford dominated possession and to the extent that most home fans aren't getting to see the best of the results the dissatisfaction is more understandable.

As you say, however, we are in top spot. Did someone once say 'rejoice' ?
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Re: v Oxford

Postby Elgrande » Wed Feb 27, 2013 2:07 pm

The team runs out to silence; a team that is top of its division. There is no atmosphere for 80 minutes and we wonder why we struggle at home, but evry time it is mentioned people just poo, poo the fact or just ignore it. When the team is struggling it is the fans job to try and lift the team, but for some reason our fans seem to want to drag them down further?
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Re: v Oxford

Postby Garawa » Wed Feb 27, 2013 2:24 pm

There is part of that. However the fans and on the pitch performances will always be linked to an extent that they are inseparable from each other. The current and previous managers both said it was the players jobs to raise the voices in the crowd. Trouble is in recent games it is hard to recall many chances where the 'keeper was truly tested. Shots on target don't tell the full story as these can include low power daisy cutters. At least once he should have to stretch himself but we are barely getting out of third gear it seems so it is hardly likely to inspire the fans. And when the fans arrive having heard of the side win over and over away and then watch them barely create a chance you can see why they may get a bit dispondant.

That said elgrande is right and they shouldn't wait to be woken up, they don't away from home which begs the question do these people attend home games? I wouldn't mind betting most sit in the Rainham End and it only takes two or three voices to start the rest off so why isn't this happening? A paultry amount of away fans is by far the biggest culprit for a lousy atmosphere and only when the stand is half full would the rival singing work.
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