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Cody recalled

PostPosted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 3:39 pm
by Garawa
So Coventry has recalled Cody McDonald and Martin Allen says "we will see just how good Adam Birchall is". At this stage of the season trying new things will either end in success or failure. What a blow and how Burton and perhaps a rested Kedwell will need to up their game a bit!

Re: Cody recalled

PostPosted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 6:31 pm
by steve347
Defense and midfield are more solid now so it's up to our strikers to measure up and prove their worth. After a rest they need to show the desire to take their chances or fade into obscurity.
Thanks again Cody, you stopped the rot and put us back on top.

Re: Cody recalled

PostPosted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 10:21 pm
by Kezz
I thought Keds was out for 4-6 weeks?

Re: Cody recalled

PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 2:46 am
by gillsfan1066
Feared this would happen when he kept scoring.

Re: Cody recalled

PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 8:56 am
by CadburyMan
Remind me where we were before Cody came. If we could do it before he joined us then what's to stop us doing it again? Positive attitude please folks.

But I am disappointed as he brought a lot to the party.

Re: Cody recalled

PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 10:05 am
by Poshgill
I would be happier if Kedwell was fit but a bad hamstring injury can take a long time to heal.

Re: Cody recalled

PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 11:19 am
by bananaman
kedwell was back in full training yesterday. the midfield and defence are playing much better then december so we are not conceding as easily.also think supply to front is improving.we have plenty who score goals we have enough to maintain the charge without cody.Gregory and Robinson looked very good at chesterfield and appear to have settled.hope home crowd are going to up there game and be more positive and back the whole team.

Re: Cody recalled

PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 1:53 pm
by gillsfan1066
Good grief it's Oxford, me and a couple of kids off the street could send them back to the City of dreaming spires their tails between their legs, (beggsy I be captain and play number 9 and you, fat kid, your in goal) . Gillingham 2 Oxford 1 and I bet they only get on the score sheet due to an own goal by a Gillingham player, or a penalty, or else it will be 2-0 to the Mighty Mighty Big Blue (and red and red and blue) Machine. GO GILLS.
Big chance for Gills to go 4 points ahead of Vale who are going to find an Exeter side looking to bounce back from Saturday, maybe they only pick up a point, Bristol Rovers slowly climbing the table and Fleetwood looking to get back into the race could mean both Rothrh'm and Chelt'hm, come away with just a single point each, which will put the Gills top of the muck pile by a game and a bit, and with a game in hand over the only other side I see picking up 3 points tonite ,Burton ?
Paddle faster you lot at the back, were almost there.

Re: Cody recalled

PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 3:46 pm
by Garawa
It was rumoured at the weekend that Keds could be available but he obviously just missed out. We have signed a nippy winger/striker on loan (Antonio German from Brentford) so clearly Martin Allen felt we were indeed there but lacking a slight edge Cody gave us. Bizarrely tonight we now have 3 loan players waiting to make their debuts!!! Could be an exciting evening!

However I must manage your expectations somewhat! See the second "fact" in the Oxford thread in the "In-game stats" forum!