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New signings

PostPosted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 11:17 pm
by Snackboyslim
Winger Ryan Williams from Fulham 28 day loan.
Midfielder Michael Richardson from Newcastle, for how long I don't know..

But on paper, two young (potential) premiership players.. Ryan Williams having signed from Portsmouth-Fulham for 500,000 in Jan last year. Has to be good news with two guys eager to prove their worth.

From what I read from you regular attendacies, could be just what we're looking for.

What are your thoughts peeps???

Re: New signings

PostPosted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 3:23 am
by gillsfan1066
Both on 28 day loans, that takes us up to the Exeter game, and looking at it realistically it is not the toughest part of the schedule, think if everything goes well we could pick up at least 13 points during the six games we play while they are here.
Like the idea of midfield help, he was on loan to Orient last year played 4 times and scored once, maybe 28 day loan then? Hope he knows how to keep the ball on the ground and is able to teach our guys to do the same, thought we had got out of hoofing the dam thing in the air and just hoping a guy with a blue shirt gets it.
Reading about the Williams signing, seems he is a fast winger , thats good, but is there some problem with his off the field activities ?
Both in the squad to play Daggers on Saturday, trained today at the Gills, feel 3 points comming our way on Saturday.

Re: New signings

PostPosted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 10:53 am
by CadburyMan
1066 - hope they don't play the ball to blue shirts - we're playing in red this season - Keep up chap ;) ;) ;)

Re: New signings

PostPosted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 11:09 am
by Garawa
No he is right. We have been passing to blue shirts and most teams we have played have been in blue! Ha ha

I've said for ages the midfield is ripped to pieces so hopefully this will solve the problem and not create more. It poses a lot of questions though. We brought in Gregory and Robinson to the end of the season so will they play with the new guys and leave Lee and Whelps on the bench? Are we accepting defeat already on Gregory and Robinson. Can the wide player play on the left so that we can have width and still bring Weston on at HT or is he even pacier? Will he play on the right with Weston left to give us far more attacking threat that has been non-existent of late?

I suppose we don't have that long to wait to find out!

Re: New signings

PostPosted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 10:49 pm
by gillsfan1066
Red ,Blue, Green , haha what ever ,bu**ers still keep kicking it to the wrong guys lol. Guess Mrs. Scally has loosened old Scallwags purse strings, or perhaps the "mysterious investor" we have heard so little about has chucked a few quid on the table,guess we will never know.